July 2 years ago I finally found the strength to walk away and not look back.

I am now happily engaged to an amazing man. I am still working for the same company and helping where I can.

The kids are slowly picking up their own bills, as we put them into an apartment of their own.

I find that I still have thoughts of him and miss his hugs badly. Funny, That’s the only thing I miss. I don’t miss the constant criticism or fighting and screaming and threats or the walking on eggshells trying not to set him off or the usual sex routine. I don’t miss anything else from that time in my life. But those hugs get me. For whatever reason I always felt safe in those hugs. It was weird.

I find that some of my fiancés traits are similar to his also. So, over the years I have learned to “handle” them when they arise. Water off my back..

I find that there is just never enough time. Work is M-F and the weekends are over before they began! Thinking about a week off soon. Not to get anything done really, but to just reboot.

I keep telling my fiancé we need to go away together soon. He actually brought up an actual possible trip the other night to North Carolina. And all the things we could do if we went. I just want to spend some time with him without the usual daily required routines over the weekends.

He gets home, eats then sleeps. Gets up half way through the day, we are running errands to the grocery store, dinner with friends and/or family, laundry, oil changes, landscaping and lawn care….lord forbid we have to add stuff in. Like this weekend, we are picking up the grand kids and BBQing Sunday…the weekend is shot for anything else we need to do thank god its a 3 day weekend!

Halloween is coming and I’m super excited. I love love love Halloween and decorating for it. Been hitting the dollar stores for decorations to add to last years in storage. Plan on covering a lot of the yard this year and the neighbors possibly. I told the girls they are going to have to come over and help me this year. I had like a day to decorate last year and I ran out of time…not this year! totally prepared. And my fiancé took off time so he can be home too! Totally awesomeness.